
2.25 CT Lab Created Black Diamond Flower Stud Earrings in Prong Setting

$243 $286 Save $43
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Stone Quality
Metal: 92.5 Sterling Silver
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Product Details

Lab created black diamond flower stud earrings in a prong setting are a beautiful and feminine piece of jewelry. Featuring a delicate flower design, each earring is set with a center created black diamond surrounded by sparkling white diamonds. The gemstones are securely set in a classic prong setting, highlighting the beauty and brilliance of each stone. The earrings are comfortable to wear, with a secure and snug fit, and are suitable for everyday wear or for special occasions. With a classic and timeless design, these earrings are sure to make a statement and are an ideal choice for anyone who loves high-quality jewelry with a feminine touch.

Product Information
Weight 1.36 gm (Approximate)
No.of Stones 26 Pieces
Total Weight 2.18 Carat (Approximate)
Dimension(approx) Round-1.50X1.50 mm-24 Pcs
Round-4X4 mm-2 Pcs
Color Black
Cut Brilliant
Shape Round
Setting Type Prong-Setting
Quality Grade AAAA
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