Without gemological equipment, distinguishing genuine garnets from fakes can be difficult. Since genuine garnet is a very abundant mineral, fakes are less prevalent, though they do occasionally surface on the market. Today, we'll go over a few distinguishing characteristics that will help you recognize a false stone.
The most notable difference between imitation and genuine garnets is that imitations, symbolized by glass or synthetic materials, are flawlessly clear and devoid of any impurities. Glass garnet replicas are softer than genuine ones. In addition to being heavier and tougher, synthetic garnets have a higher refractive index.
One of the most popular gemstones is garnet. There are garnet types that cost more than $1,000 per carat, although they are rarely faked. You should be mindful of fakes and the techniques used to identify them because of this.
Before we move further, let’s discuss first…
What Exactly Garnet Is?
Garnets are stunning gemstones that have a striking resemblance to pomegranate seeds. Its name is derived from the Latin word garanatus, which means "seed-like," and the Middle English word "gernet," which means "dark red." Furthermore, although red garnets are unquestionably the most well-liked variation, the stone is available in a range of colors.
Let’s jump to the main question…
How To Check If Garnet Is Real Or Fake?
"How can you tell if a gem is real?" is one of the most frequent queries we receive. To be honest, there are a few methods available to verify the authenticity of the stone. Having stated that, these are the top three choices:
Examine the Hue of the Stone
The colors of garnets are renowned for being rich and intense. Thus, the richness of the color is a wonderful way to tell a real gem from a fake one. Your stone can be a fake if it is lighter, brighter, or more colorful.
Look for contaminants
This stone's variety has a major impact on how clear it is. With the exception of the Almandine garnet, which has asbestos fiber inclusions that give it a star-like appearance, red garnets are normally eye-clean. Conversely, orange garnets are renowned for having a large number of inclusions.
Remember these things as you look for your treasure. The gemstone in issue may be a fake if the orange variation has very few imperfections or the red variety has an excessive number.
Examine Its Reflection
One of the gem's key selling points is its brilliance, which also contributes to its rising demand globally. By following these procedures, you can tell the genuine garnet from the fake:
Keep your eye close to the stone.
Attempt to peer through the stone at a light source that is far away (a lamp, for instance). It should be possible for you to see the light reflecting off the stone's inside walls.
After that, tilt the stone on its axis and examine it through the same lens as previously. In this instance, the reflection would show up as a rainbow.
Your stone is most likely a replica if you can't see the reflections in it.

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Since imitation garnets can resemble real ones quite a bit, only a skilled jeweler would be able to distinguish between the two. Therefore, bear the following advice in mind when purchasing your stone:
Confirm the Vendor
When purchasing this diamond, it is imperative that you confirm the jeweler's legitimacy twice because of your lack of expertise on the subject. This can be accomplished by visiting the brand's website and checking the certifications they have uploaded. Additionally, you can investigate further by reading through the comments on their social media posts to find unbiased opinions.
Examine the Return Policy
A professional stone examination is a reliable method of verifying the authenticity of your stone. Therefore, be sure the business has a clear return policy that permits you to send back the item in the event that it differs from what was advertised.
Consider Getting GIA-Certified Garnet Jewelry
Buying a diamond with GIA certification is a terrific approach to guarantee the authenticity of your garnet. For those who do not know, one of the greatest places in the world to purchase gemstones is the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). It serves to protect collectors of fine jewelry and gemstones from knockoffs.
The company accomplishes this by subjecting each diamond that comes its way to a series of rigorous examinations. No jeweler, anywhere in the world, could dispute the 100% accuracy of the facts stated in the resulting certificate. You may be certain that the stone in issue and its supporting documentation are authentic if you purchase a garnet with GIA certification.
Given its popularity and vivid color, garnets are naturally sought for. You can tell a real one from a fake with the use of the above tips and techniques.