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Fire Opal Earrings FAQ’s

  1. What does fire opal symbolize?

    The sparkling fiery hues of the fire opals are thought to help the wearer to get rid of their insecurities and come out with their unique personality. Fire opals are also believed to stimulate intuition and promote self-confidence in the wearer.

  2. How to take care of fire opal earrings at home?

    While cleaning fire opal earrings at home it is advisable to use lukewarm water and mild cleaning detergent. A soft toothbrush or a cotton cloth should be used to clean the underside of the fire opal. The real fire opal earrings are not so tough to clean at home with proper cleaning techniques.

  3. How much will a fire opal earring cost me?

    Based on personal choices and factors like fire opal shape, the weight in carat, and the cut & color along with the presence of other gemstones, the price of fire opal earrings can range from $300 to $1000. The oval opal earrings would cost you around the same.

  4. What makes fire opals unique?

    The transparent to translucent appearance coupled with the unique play of yellow, orange and red make fire opals so mesmerizing. The red opal earrings are extremely vibrant and eye-catching.

  5. Are fire opals of good quality?

    In order to assure the quality of the fire opal studded in your earrings one should check for the certificate which defines the said gemstone in all the quality factors for quality assurance of the fire opal earrings.

  6. What is the best color of fire opal?

    The intense red orange color of fire opal is considered as the best color. You will find orange fire opal earrings most enchanting of all times for a good reason!

  7. What is the most expensive fire opal?

    Fire opal reflecting transparent and reddish colors are expensive ones! The red variety of this stone is also known as cherry opal.

  8. Where can I buy fire opal in the US?

    Any store which is providing a certificate of authenticity of the stone is good to go. However, you can also order certified standard quality fire opal earrings or jewelry from Rosec Jewels.

  9. What is Mexican fire opal made of?

    When the water seeps into the silica rich lava of ancient volcanoes, fire opals are formed. The incredible pressure and heat is required to make such a dazzling stone.

Fire Opal Earrings

Fire opals are an extraordinary display of blazing hues which makes them so desirable. Fire opal, the gemstone is known for its illusive play-of-colors. Various legends of old have associated the fire opal with financial gains and are thought to promote positive energies in the wearer making them perfect in crafting jewelry. Especially when studded in earrings, fire opal shows warm colors and makes red fire opal earrings exceptionally beautiful. The most interesting thing about this valuable stone is that it might also glow in dark.

Also known as Mexican Opal, this stone is a gemologist’s favorite! Fire opal are enchanting stones and they have a wonderful ability to reflect different pastel colors. Like other opals, this stone is also known for it’s “opalescence” properties. Mexican fire opal earrings brings charms to any outfit! So, if you want a quick mystic look instantly, you can put a gorgeous fire opal stud earrings.

Benefits of Fire Opal and Who Should Wear Fire Opal?

Fire opal earrings are indeed beautiful! But apart from that, it also has some beneficial properties. This stone simple symbolizes truthfulness in relationships. Moreover, fire opal also signifies passion and different elements of life, including hobbies and career. One can say that it’s a stone that represent success and good fortune.

Fire opals has impeccable effect on wearer’s health. Your lower back injuries and any kidney ailments. People who are shy, can wear this stone to help boost their self-confidence. A sense of positivity is introduced to your life when you wear a fire opal, whether in the forms of rings or gold fire opal earrings.

Ponder Over the 4 C’s of Orange Fire Opal Earrings

  • Color: The orange fire opals display a wide spectrum of colors ranging from red, yellow and orange body colors coupled with the unique play-of-colors for which fire opal earrings are widely adored.

  • Clarity: The clarity of the fire opal in earrings will be the measure of the degree of transparency and the absence of inclusions in the gemstone.

  • Cut: The cut of fire opal will determine the overall color and sparkle of the gemstone before getting adorned in the earrings for women.

  • Carat: Fire opal sizes used in crafting bridal earrings are measured in the unit of carat which is the measure of weight and must not be confused with the visible sizes.

Why to Buy Fire Opal Earrings from Rosec Jewels

The fire opal earrings from Rosec Jewels are an alluring collection of gold earrings for women. We at Rosec Jewels, are the craftsmen behind the journey of the finely crafted fire opal earrings to celebrate the personal style of women. We understand that the Mexican opal earrings leaving our facility feature sophisticated designs and quality that are assured by our experienced jewelers by defining them in all the possible factors of quality check like gemstone quality, metal quality, and purity. We further bring diversification to our earring styles namely fire opal drop earrings, fire opal dangle earrings, or fire opal hoop earrings by combining different gold colors.