How To Identify Between Real Vs Fake Ruby?

Rubies falls under some of the most precious gemstones in the world. Under the earth’s specific conditions, rubies are naturally formed. In the term of its look, it carries a deep and vibrant red color with tempting sparkle.

So, if you are confuse in identifying between the real and fake ruby, then read out this complete blog to know some important test and tips.

So, before jumping to our main question, let’s discuss first…

What Exactly Ruby Is?

The corundum family, which includes rubies, has some of the hardest minerals on the planet. As a result, this gemstone has an exceptional Mohs mineral hardness value of 9, meaning that it is strong enough for daily use. This gemstone is thought to be a representation of power and love in addition to strength and beauty. Therefore, it makes sense that the striking red ruby is frequently referred to as the "King of Gems."

Let’s talk about the…

Origin & Formation

Aluminum oxide or corundum are the minerals used to make rubies. Ruby formation occurs beneath the surface of the earth and is triggered by intense heat and pressure. Atoms of aluminum and oxygen are firmly packed together to form corundum. This usually yields a colorless material. Nevertheless, the stone can acquire other hues if certain aluminum atoms are swapped out for those of other minerals or materials. The ruby acquires its rich red color in this way. In particular, chromium gives substances a rich red hue. Chromium and ferric iron combine to form rare orange and pink hues in rubies. A deep red hue is formed in the ruby if 1% of the aluminum atoms are swapped out for chromium atoms.

On the other hand, a ruby cannot develop in the presence of iron or silica. Rubies are hard to find because both of these are widely distributed throughout the earth's crust. Furthermore, corundum is an uncommon mineral.

Radiant Ruby Jewelry: Unveil Timeless Elegance and Passionate Red

How To Know The Difference Between Real Ruby Vs Fake Ruby?

  • Look For Inclusions:

    Since natural rubies are formed under extreme pressure, far below the surface of the earth, they are prone to inclusions and defects. Nevertheless, these inclusions are frequently too tiny to be seen with the unaided eye. Therefore, we advise bringing a jeweler's loupe home.

    It will be simpler for you to see any defects if you hold the stone at a 45-degree angle in bright light when inspecting for inclusions.

    The stone is probably fake if you can't discover any imperfections at all.

  • Go For The Comparison:

    Glass is used to make most fake rubies. Thus, another approach to tell if your jewel is real or fake is to compare it to a red glass.

    Never forget to focus on the stone's and the glass's color and clarity. Glass is a bit deeper in color than rubies, which usually have a more vibrant tint. Moreover, genuine rubies aren't totally transparent because of tiny imperfections inside the stone. Thus, though not very clearly, you should be able to see through the diamond. Since it is impossible to do such an evaluation for delicate jewelry, such ruby rings, we advise only purchasing certified items.

    But if the stone is also clear and has a darker tone, it's probably not real.

  • Look For The Professionals

    Having an expert inspect your ruby bracelet, pendant, or any other piece will help you determine its authenticity. Since most jewelers have received specialized training to distinguish between different gemstones, they should have no trouble identifying a fake stone. Additionally, a specialist may evaluate the diamond and determine its true value.

  • Always Buy From Known Brand

    Buying ruby jewelry from a reputable company with real customer feedback is a good method to be sure you don't get duped. You will also receive the Certificate of Authenticity from the firm, which contains all the pertinent information about the gem, including whether or not it has been treated.

    Another option is to choose ruby-encrusted jewelry that has been verified by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). One of the most well-known nonprofits in the world, it is well-known for establishing the standard for gemstone accreditation. Keeping customers of gemstones and jewelry safe from fake items is one of GIA's most important missions. Thus you may be confident that the stone you'll be taking home is a genuine ruby.

Now you know about how can you identify the difference between the real vs fake ruby, let’s get to know about…

How To Take Care Of Your Ruby Gemstone?

If you want to keep your ruby gemstone’s shine stay last long, then you must look towards how you can maintain them. So, here some caring tips you can follow to maintain the shine of your ruby gemstone last long:

  • Don’t Touch Too Often:

    Every time you look at your jewelry, you might want to reach out and touch rubies because they are such stunning stones. Hold off before taking that action! One thing you don't see is the oil on your hands. Rubies and other gemstones absorb this oil when they come into contact with them.

    It accumulates a thin layer of dirt over time. Your rubies' color and brilliance are changed as a result. As a result, you shouldn't occasionally touch your ruby jewelry. Store them safely away from dirt and oil, and only handle them when absolutely necessary. Nice to look at, nice to wear, but don't touch it with your fingers!

  • Remember To Keep Your Rubies Clean:

    Even with gentle handling, a ruby will ultimately become soiled. It's quite easy to clean these red gemstones. Having incredibly sophisticated equipment is not required to clean your ruby jewelry. All you'll need is a bowl, warm water, mild detergent, and a toothbrush with soft bristles. For a few minutes, or perhaps overnight, soak your jewelry in warm water that has been diluted with soap. The oil and debris will be lifted by this operation. Use the toothbrush to clean all of the crevices of your jewelry, then use a lint-free cloth to pat it dry. Keep in mind to clean your jewelry because its interior is in regular contact with your skin. Never use toothpaste or harsh cleansers on ruby ornaments.

  • Pay A Little Attention When Wearing:

    Wearing jewelry is something you should save for after getting ready. Before you leave the house for a party or the office, your jewelry should be the last item you put on. You should wear perfume even before you put on any jewelry.

    This guarantees that creams, lotions, moisturizers, and perfumes will come into minimal touch with your rubies. This is significant because, similar to the oils on your skin, these lotions have the ability to cover up the gems and give them a dirty appearance. The first thing you should do when you get home is take off your jewelry and replace it in your jewelry box.

  • Avoid Wearing Rubies While Cleaning or Cooking:

    One member of the corundum family is the ruby. These are steady gemstones that defy ordinary circumstances like heat and light. Nonetheless, a ruby's surface might be harmed by even a light acid, such as lemon juice.

    Acidic materials have the potential to inflict more harm to colored stones or rubies that have voids or fractures. Likewise, both treated and untreated rubies' surfaces may be harmed by boric acid. Therefore, before beginning your chores, make sure to remove your bangles and ruby rings.

  • Keep Your Rubies Safe:

    How safely your store your rubies will also affects their sparkle and life. To keep your rubies well maintained, make sure not to keep them in plastic box or bag. Instead of that you can invest in fabric lined box with individual compartments for your ruby earrings, or other ruby jewelry.

    Your jewelry should always be kept flat, if at all feasible. By doing this, the possibility of their rubbing against other jewelry is decreased. Despite being a durable gemstone, rubies can harm other jewelry when they come into touch with one another. It can occasionally even harm the prongs that hold the rubies in place. Your ruby can consequently come loose from its setting.

Wrapping Up:

So, as we have discussed in this blog about various tips and tests that help in identifying between the real vs fake ruby. By following these tests, you can able to identify the difference and judge the real one accordingly. Also, as you can see, taking care of your rubies is not that difficult. With the help of these tips, you can keep your rubies shine last forever.

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