How To Clean Your Blue Sapphire Ring At Home?

Have you ever wondered, what will you do if your blue sapphire jewelry looks dull? Well, this can happen when you wear your jewelry every single day like a blue sapphire engagement ring. As engagement ring is something really special and precious, we know you love to flaunt forever. Blue sapphire is an extremely durable gemstone but if worn daily, it requires a little maintenance as the accumulation of dirt and grime can take place on the stone, making it look dull.

Sapphire are the most durable gemstone after diamonds. Sapphires rank at a nine on the Mohs scale of hardness. That’s why its a bit difficult to damage or scratch the gemstone. Still its better to properly care and clean, your sapphire jewelry. So, that it remains shiny and can be worn for years to come.

In this blog, we’ll discuss about the cleaning process of a blue sapphire at home. So, give a read to this article to preserve the beauty of your favorite blue gemstone.

How To Clean Blue Sapphire Ring At Home?

Clean your blue sapphire ring at home, requires a few supplies listed below:

  1. Soft-bristle toothbrush

  2. Dish soap

  3. Luke warm water

  4. Soft or microfiber towel

Steps to follow:

  • Pour some lukewarm water into a small bowl and stir in a small amount of dish soap (approximately a teaspoon). Stir until bubbles appear.

  • To loosen up any filth or other impurities, immerse your jewelry in lukewarm water for five minutes.

  • After removing the ring from water, softly brush it with a toothbrush. To achieve the best sparkle, ensure the fibers reach and wipe the challenging spots.

  • Ensure the sink plug is in place, run the ring under some fresh water and make sure all the soap is removed.

  • Using the cloth, pat until it dries completely.

Take Professional Assistance In These Cases

There are situations when it's preferable to let a jeweler polish your blue sapphire jewelry. We advise getting a cleaning for it if:

  1. If the blue sapphire ring you own is antique or delicate,

  2. If your blue sapphire ring requires a thorough cleaning (using steam or ultrasonic technology),

  3. If your ring showcases more delicate gemstones like pearl, opal, and natural emeralds.

How Often You Should Clean Your Blue Sapphire Ring?

If you wear your blue sapphire jewelry daily then we would like to suggest you clean it once a month at your home. Also, if you wear it less then we suggest you clean it every few months.

Follow These Instructions to Preserve Your Blue Sapphire Jewelry

  • To avoid losing sparkle and dirt buildup, clean your blue sapphire ring regularly.

  • To ensure safety, always store your blue sapphire jewelry in a small, soft-cloth bag or keep it in your wardrobe in the jewelry section block.

  • Remove your jewelry before engaging in some harsh activities like swimming and rock climbing.

  • If you want to avoid accumulation of dirt on your jewelry then take it off before using makeup products, getting into the shower, applying lotion or perfumes.

  • Ensure there are no insecure points in your jewelry by frequently inspecting it, like loosened prongs.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, we have explored in this blog that although blue sapphire is a sturdy precious stone, dust, and grime can buildup on the gem if worn regularly. This could lead to its lackluster appearance and its shine may be affected.

So, to help you avoid losing your blue stone shine, we have discussed above some cleaning steps that you can be performed at home. Apart from this, we always recommend you visit professional jewelers once every six months for deep cleaning of your blue sapphire jewelry.

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